A big commitment to our small planet

At Little Cow & Cookies we work hard to give you the most winning combination possible: super delicious organic ice cream with unique cookies. Made with organic milk from our little Jersey cows, packed in a biodegradable tub, topped off with reduced impact.

Home on the farm

Located across responsibly managed farmland set amongst several nature reserves in North-eastern Germany, you’ll find the home of our little Jersey cows and our ice cream factory: The Organic Jersey Farm. We pride ourselves on setting the example of farming for future generations, supporting biodiversity and conserving the natural world. We are committed to regenerative farming according to the 4Returns framework.

Photo by Jörn Lehmann

The cycle of life

From the cows that produce our creamy milk to our local ice cream factory; they’re all part of a sustainable cycle. No pesticides, no unnatural additives, no unnatural fertilizer and no over-farmed fields means the land is left to take care of itself – to regenerate naturally. There’s ample room so we farm our own feed crops and use the cows’ manure to fertilise the land, completing the cycle. Our cows are treated with respect for animal welfare and our farms and factory are a key responsible employer in the local area. On top of that, our ice cream factory uses state of the art technology in an effort to become completely energy and CO2 neutral.

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